One Hiragana, Short Japanese Words Part 5: な行

A good way to start learning Japanese is through Short Japanese words. Last time we learned たちてと This is the next part of a series to introduce Hiragana by teaching words that are only one Hiragana character long.
名(な) – Name

名 can mean name, or can be used in words to refer to a label.
名前 (なまえ) : Name
名なし (ななし) : Nameless
二(に) – Two

二 in the character in Japanese for the number two.
二度 (にど) : Two Times
二月 (にがつ) : February (the second month)
十二月 (じゅうにがつ) : December
根(ね) – Root

根 is pronounced ね and means root.
根がつく : to take root
根を抜く (ねをぬく) : to pull out roots
野(の) – Field

野(の) translates to field from English to Japanese. It also has a sense of wild or something you would find in nature instead of in your house. So,
野に咲く花 (のにさくはな): Flowers blooming in a field
野兎 (のうさぎ): a wild rabbit