One Hiragana, Short Japanese Words Part 4: た行

looking into a rice field

Short Japanese words are a good way to start learning Japanese. Last time we learned さしすせ This is the next part of a series to introduce Hiragana by teaching words that are only one Hiragana character long.

田(た) – Rice field

man in rice field

pronounced た is the word for rice-field. It is used in several different Japanese surnames.

(あきた) : Akita Prefecture
(やまだ) : Yamada (Surname)

Also when talking about a rice-field it is more common to call it んぼ.

血(ち) – Blood

(ち) is the word for blood in Japanese.

I am bleeding

手(て) – Hand

is pronounced て meaning hand. The character also means several things and can represent people in some words, methods in others etc.

(みぎて) : Right Hand
(ひだりて) : Left Hand
(あいて) : Partner, Companion

戸(と) – Door, Gate

(と) is a door or gate. It is more common though to say とびら or ドア when referring to a door though. 戸 is used as a part of several common words though:

(とぐち) doorway, entrance
(とだな) cabinet, wardrobe
(あみど) screen-door
(いど) well
(あまど) shutters



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