The Japanese verb 来くる means come and 行いく means go. In Japanese, these verbs come after other verbs in the て-form to represent a starting…
The two Japanese words 行いく and 来くる basically mean go and come in Japanese. In most situations, there is no trouble figuring out which to…
There are two words in Japanese that translate to know and understand. They are 知しる and 分わかる. These words deal with knowing and understanding…
The difference between 思おもい出だす and 覚おぼえる depends on if the information being remembered was forgotten or not. Basically, 思い出す means to recall something from…
と and や are both Japanese particles for listing or connecting other nouns together. Both of these particles can be translated from Japanese to…
In Japanese が is the subject and を is the object or direct object particle. You have probably noticed that there are times when…
There are two Japanese particle に and へ which basically mean the same thing. In most situations they are interchangeable and you could probably…
Which Japanese Word for Secret Should I Use? Resource 秘密 内緒
願い事 – Your Wish is my Command 願い – Requests and Desires 望み – Hopes and Wishes Resources 願い事 願い 望み