と in Japanese is a particle which connects things together or explains the relationship between two things. This particle also can be used to…
The Four Basic Japanese Colors Other Popular Colors Resources Japanese Colors – Wikipedia (Japanese)
Is Japanese Hard? What is the Best Place or content to Learn Japanese? How can I Learn Japanese Fast? What is the Best Method…
Learning Japanese requires acquiring a large inventory of facts, language patterns, vocabulary, and so on. We can call this knowledge of Japanese. Next, in…
World List Examples Resources Learn these words at Memrise.com
Word List for 買う Also, if you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar…
Learning to speak is a skill. When I say a skill I am comparing it to knowledge. Knowledge would be everything you learned about…
Find the Material you like Don’t Jump around too much Don’t Obsess if you got it or not Pick a Short term Focus Resources…
Word List for 見る If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:…
Word List for 言う 言い出す いいだす suddenly say something, bring up, suggest something 言い切る いいきる Assert, declare 言い聞かせる いいきかせる persuade, convince 言い放つ いいはなつ to…