When should I use Hiragana? When should I use Katakana?
Japanese kanji has two types of readings. Onyomi: which is based on the original Chinese pronunciation. Kunyomi: which is the reading for native Japanese…
So you want to know how to read Kanji? You came to the right place! Basically… Kanji is one of Japan’s alphabets. It has…
Basically… Kanji is one of Japan’s alphabets. A little Deeper There are actually three alphabets in Japanese. They are: ・Hiragana (ひらがな) ・Katakana (カタカナ)・Kanji (漢字)…
This is how you count people in Japanese There is one simple formula to count people in Japanese. Number + Nin (人にん) All you…
What do you say when you play? じゃんけん has Specific Words for Rock, Paper, and Scissors Resources じゃんけん (Wikipedia – Japanese)
What is Context in Japanese Conversational Context : Deletion Social Context : Politeness Emotional Context: Who does What
So, What is the issue? Studying Less than you Think Stuck on Old Stuff How to Know How Much you Know
Which Japanese Word for Secret Should I Use? Resource 秘密 内緒