と – And, With も – Both, Also か – Or や – And So On とか – For Example Resources と も か…
ほど means less than or not as much . This Japanese participle follows nouns and verbs to compare or measure things. So, ほど is…
より is a Japanese particle which compares things. You can translate it a handful of ways. more than instead of rather than So, what…
とする is said when assuming or taking about something as if it were to be the case. As all difficult concepts in Japanese grammar,…
Japanese has a mix of simple grammatical rules and complex contextual rules of when you can say certain things. Why is Japanese so Hard:…
In English, you can say you have to mean a few different things. In Japanese, you have two verbs, ある, and 持もつ. Both of…
There are two Japanese verbs that mean to exist or be somewhere. They are いるand ある. They mean basically the same thing, but let’s…
There are two highly common Japanese verbs that mean to exist or be somewhere. They are いる and ある. These are two verbs that…
There are two highly common Japanese verbs that mean to exist or be somewhere. They are いる and ある. These are two verbs that…
In Japanese, there are special Kanji characters that are used to count things. These are called 助数詞じょすうし in Japanese and depending on what you…