How to Learn Japanese with chatGPT – Reading and Sentences

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot which provides human-like responses to your questions. It has a vast knowledge on several topics, and in several languages. So, naturally how does it work for learning Japanese? Specifically can chatGPT help you to learn Japanese through reading? That is a good question which we will explore here.
Can I use chatGPT to Read Japanese?
Yes, you can use chatGPT to learn to read Japanese. Unlike other tools like Google Translate, or Deepl chatGPT does more than translate. ChatGPT can translate sentences but also can answer questions, give information and so much more in English or Japanese. sentences that chatGPT provides are for the most part very natural. This makes is a great tool for producing endless paragraphs of real Japanese. Not only that, but you can interact with chatGPT just like you would if you were chatting with a real Japanese person!
This allows you also to ask chatGPT to clarify what it means, explain terms, or say things in a different way. If you just use websites online then you would not have the ability to do that. Instead you would need to translate anything you did not understand. So, enough talk. Let’s actually see how chatGPT can help you read Japanese!
Reading Japanese with chatGPT
So, if you have an online dictionary like Deepl or Google translate, you can get the translation of sentences. But, chatGPT allows you to simplify, or get a summary of a text. So, you can use chatGPT as a translator or ask it to summarize something in Japanese if you want to read Japanese but make it simpler.
I took a portion of the Japanese Wikipedia article on AI and asked for a simpler version:
機械的な仕事の奪取: 初めに、単純で繰り返しの多い仕事は人工知能によって奪われます。これには、ルーチン作業や単純な操作が含まれます。
分析的な仕事の奪取: 次に、データの分析やパターンの発見などの複雑な分析的な仕事も人工知能に奪われます。これはデータを効率的に処理し、洞察を得るタスクです。
直感力を必要とする仕事の奪取: 自然言語処理や画像処理の進化により、直感的な判断や感性を必要とする仕事も人工知能に奪われます。これには、クリエイティブな業務やデザインが含まれます。
共感力を必要とする仕事の奪取: 最終的に、共感力や人間の情緒的な理解が必要な仕事も人工知能に奪われるとされています。これには、カウンセリングや介護などが挙げられます。
I then asked to make it shorter and simpler and got the following:
単純な仕事: 初めに、繰り返しの多い仕事が奪われます。
データ分析: 次に、データの解析やパターン発見の仕事が対象です。
直感判断: 自然言語処理や画像処理で直感力を必要とする仕事が奪われる可能性があります。
共感力: 最終的に、共感や情緒理解が必要な仕事も対象となるかもしれません。
This way you can read more Japanese in shorter, easier to comprehend chunks. It can be quite a pain when learning a language and all you have to read are long news articles or wikipedia pages. This drastically cuts down on the time spent and mental energy in reading a foreign language.
Plus you can have more time to read about more diverse topics that are to the point.
Japanese Sentences with chatGPT
So, if you want to summarize a text then chatGPT works the same in English and Japanese. What maybe more beneficial is if you want some sentences at your level. No problem! You can ask chatGPT to give you a paragraph in N5 Japanese about a topic of interest.
So I asked, “create some N5 Japanese sentences about cats”.
And I got:
ねこはかわいいです。 (Neko wa kawaii desu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), かわいい (cute)
2. うちにねこがいます。 (Uchi ni neko ga imasu.)
キーワード: うち (home), ねこ (cat), います (there is)
3. ねこはよく遊びます。 (Neko wa yoku asobimasu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), 遊びます (plays)
4. ねこは魚が好きです。 (Neko wa sakana ga suki desu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), 魚 (fish), 好きです (likes)
5. ねこの名前はミケです。 (Neko no namae wa Miki desu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), 名前 (name), ミケ (Miki)
6. ねこはふわふわのしっぽを持っています。 (Neko wa fuwafuwa no shippo o motteimasu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), ふわふわ (fluffy), しっぽ (tail), 持っています (has)
7. ねこは夜活動します。 (Neko wa yoru katsudou shimasu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), 夜 (night), 活動します (is active)
8. このねこは黒いです。 (Kono neko wa kuroi desu.)
キーワード: この (this), ねこ (cat), 黒い (black)
9. ねこは高いところが好きです。 (Neko wa takai tokoro ga suki desu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), 高い (high), 好きです (likes)
10. ねこはお腹が空いています。 (Neko wa onaka ga suiteimasu.)
キーワード: ねこ (cat), お腹 (stomach), 空いています (is hungry)
chatGPT for Japanese Sentences with Difficult Words
When you get to higher levels in Japanese and start seeing fairly uncommon words more often, it can be harder to understand how to use those words. That is actually one thing that chatGPT is great at for advanced learners. It can create a list of different example sentences which you would not be able to find so easily online.
“相生” (あいおい, ai-oi) is a Japanese term that can mean “mutual prosperity” or “coexistence.” Here are some example sentences using this term:
1. この地域では、産業と自然が相生しています。
In this region, industry and nature coexist.
2. 健康と幸福は常に相生する要素です。
Health and happiness are always mutually prosperous elements.
3. 町の発展と住民の幸福が相生するように取り組んでいます。
We are working to ensure that the town’s development and the well-being of its residents go hand in hand.
4. この二つの文化は長い間、交流しながら相生してきました。
These two cultures have coexisted and prospered through long periods of interaction.
5. 環境保護と経済成長はバランスを保ちつつ相生させる必要があります。
Balancing environmental protection and economic growth is essential to achieve mutual prosperity.
These example sentences showcase how the term “相生” is used in various contexts to convey the idea of mutual prosperity or coexistence.
For the most part chatGPT is great for reading! But there are some real, and critical limitations you must know about.
chatGPT struggles with Reading Kanji correctly
Another thing you will need to watch for with chatGPT, is reading Japanese kanji correctly. chatGPT does not fully understand Onyomi and Kunyomi!
It will sometimes give you the wrong reading!
For example, I generated another wordlist earlier and it say that 年, for year, was pronounced nen. That is correct but as a stand alone word it would be toshi.
Another time, it said that 年月日 was nengetsuhi in a different question. Which is wrong. So you will need to make sure to periodically factcheck our AI friend.
So, it is ok to use chatGPT for learning Japanese but I would still have an online or offline dictionary available. Better yet, you can use browser extensions like 10ten which provide pronunciation, translation and intonation!
Why you should use 10ten Japanese Reader
If you understand the meaning of the Kanji, or understand the word then the reading is not always an issue. However, you will definitely want to learn how to read kanji correctly. so, chatGPT is not the place to learn that, unfortunately.
Forget chatGPT for Japanese Intonation
ChatGPT does not just tell you it does not understand Japanese intonation. No, chatGPT will confidently lie to you about the correct intonation of words and phrases. You can use various plug-ins to read sentences produced by chatGPT. These text-to-speech tools are generally correct for the sentence level structure of Japanese intonation. So that will get most of the words correct.
However, that also has issues and is not completely correct. It is fine though to use it to get a acquainted with Japanese intonation and how it differs from English. But, I would suggest using other tools like Prosody Tutor Suzuki-kun.