This is where Everything Starts から in Japanese

Person waving a racing flag showing where to start

から in Japanese, pronounced kara tells you where or when something starts. It also tells you the source that something was made from, it can tell you someones perspective, explain the order of things and a lot more.

It is a pretty straightforward particle in Japanese. The closest word to translate it to in English is from. There are many situations in Japanese where から means the same thing as from. However, there are specific ways that it is used in Japanese. Let’s take a look at how it is used in Japanese.

The Starting Point

A starting point could be anything from a time to begin, a place to start moving from, or the first person to start doing something.

Time and Space, from a thing

から in Japanese tells you where or when something starts.

I can see the road from here

A bus that departed from Kyoto

water-droplets dripped from onto of the roof

work starts from early in the morning

Order of action

A starting point can also mean the first point in an action taken in order.

to rearrange the letters in order from the left

to ride the bus in the order that people arrived

If we look at the first example this means that we are writing letters starting from the left. Example two says that the first person that arrives will get on the bus first, followed by the second person that arrived, and so on.

Starting at or at Least

Another way that から can tell you a starting point is with quantity. For example, you could say that the cost of something starts at a certain price. Just like the sentence below:

a product which costs a minimum of 10,000 yen (starting at 10,000 yen)

The Source of Something

Second, a source is similar to a starting point but does not suggest there is a destination. から in this situation tells you where something originated. That could be a physical object, information, or whatever.

Physical Place or Thing

The source can be a place, or from a group of things

pick what you like from this bag

Made from

から in Japanese can also mean something was made from something else.

this soup is made from carrots, cabbage and so on

Heard from or Got Something from Someone

People just as easily as things can be a source. When we talk about people as a source, usually they are providing us with information or we are receiving something from them.

I heard that story from my little brother

I got this hat from my little sister

The Cause of Something

When we talk about a cause, that can be a physical reason something happens or it could be an emotional goal.


You can say the reason for something happening with から.

a disaster that occurred from a misunderstanding


Motivation is a type of reason based on someone’s emotion or goals. So, you can use an emotion word such as happiness, sadness, anger, or curiosity with から in Japanese.

cats do things out of curiosity

Evaluating from one’s Perspective with から in Japanese

Finally, から can also tell you how someone evaluates something or what they see from their perspective.

this apple looks tasty to me (Looking from me, this apple looks tasty)

from this crack, it looks like someone dropped this plate

if you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.


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