文法 – Japanese Grammar

This is an overview of Japanese Grammar and what to expect if you are thinking about learning Japanese. Japanese is very different than English in a lot of ways and can take time to learn. But, overall Japanese Grammar is pretty straightforward, and not too many exceptions.

Word Order

Japanese word order is SOV. That means the subject comes first, then the direct object, and finally, the verb comes at the end. You can learn more about the subject in Japanese below:

How to use が in Japanese

If you want to know more about the object in Japanese you can also check out the following:

How to use を in Japanese

Japanese Particles

Anyone learning Japanese Grammar basics will need to know about Particles. Japanese Particles are a catch-all phrase for suffixes that come after nouns or at the end of the sentence in Japanese. You can think of them as prepositions.

助詞 – Simple Explanation of Japanese Particles

Topics in Japanese

This is a bit more of a complex topic for learners but essential to understanding Japanese Grammar. 


A topic tells you what you are talking about. So if I am talking about my house, that would be the topic and everything I say about it would be its description. Japanese works by always having a topic that is being talked about.  This is something that learners often confuse with the subject of a sentence. For more details I have a whole article about it below:

How to use は in Japanese Clear and Simple

Word Classes and Inflections

Japanese has two types of words that inflect or which change form. They are Adjectives and Verbs. Japanese verbs and adjectives change forms to represent a range of things such as the negative form, tense, and so on.

Other than that, Japanese has nouns, particles, and adverbs which all stay the same.

if you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.


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