宇宙 Universe in Japanese – Space and Everything

The word in Japanese for Universe is 宇宙 . 宇宙 does not only refer to the universe though. It is also the word used for outer space. Anytime you are talking about something from space 宇宙 is the word that is used. So, 宇宙船 and 宇宙人 are spaceship and extraterrestrial.
Space, Heaven, Existence and other words for Universe in Japanese

The name of this website is Japanese Universe, so why only stop at 宇宙? There are other words in Japanese that can be used to refer to the Universe. Sort of, they don’t really mean universe but refer to everything.
森羅万象 – All Existence
森羅万象 is not an everyday word. It is more of a fancy word to refer to everything. Everything as in all of space, time, nature, existence, and whatever else that is out there.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/万物 – All things
万物 also refers to everything. In contrast to 森羅万象 it refers more to all things in the universe. In other words, looking at the word from a religious perspective, all things in creation.
天地 – Heaven and Earth
天地 literally means heaven and earth. From a religious perspective again, the word refers to those beings in heaven and those on earth. So, again it is not a word that would be used every day when talking about the universe.
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