日本語 – What is the in Japanese

Talking about something already mentioned or known
Referring to one specific thing, (the tree in front of my house)
Talking about things that are unique or there are only one of (the universe, the queen)
Used before adjectives to make nouns (the poor, the sick)
when stressing something to be the best or worthy of attention
Enough of something (I have the money to travel)
What does The mean in English

the word the does not mean just one thing. If we want to translate it to Japanese correctly we will first need to know what we are saying in English. Below are 6 ways that the can be used.
Talking about something already mentioned or known
Referring to one specific thing, (the tree in front of my house)
Talking about things that are unique or there are only one of (the universe, the queen)
Used before adjectives to make nouns (the poor, the sick)
When stressing something to be the best or worthy of attention
Enough of something (I have the money to travel)
Ignore The in these Situations

In the following situations just ignore the when you translate English to Japanese.
Unique Things, Places, People
Words such as the universe, the queen, the past, the future, etc. all represent one possible choice. in these situations, you would just ignore the and translate the noun.
the universe
the past
the future
The Best
Also, when you talk about things that are the best like the best day I have ever had, you are still talking about one unique thing. In these situations ignore the.
The best day of my life
Referring to something in General terms
■ Going to the store or the beach
■ Listening to the radio
■ Walking down the street
These are all examples of nouns that there may be several choices but that distinction is not being made. Japanese would not make any distinction between listening to the radio or listening to a radio in in this situation.
When to add Extra Words

There are times when the can say something that requires Japanese to add new words.
Converting an Adjective to a Noun with The
In English, the is used before nouns. So, if you use the before an adjective that adjective becomes a noun.
■ the sick
■ the poor
■ the rich
These words refer to a group of people. In Japanese you need to add more words to make this obvious. Or, there may be separate words you can use.
the sick
the poor・the rich
(the poor class, the rich class)
Directions and Regions
In English you can say the east or the west when you want to talk about regions. So, if you want to talk about a direction in Japanese first think about specifically if you are referring to a region, or that general direction. Then, you would pick a word that fits best for the situations
east (general word)
eastward, eastern direction
eastern part of (city, country,..)
east side of (train-station, building,..)
Look at the sentences below:
■ I have the money to pay
■ I don’t have the time to go
Both of these sentences can be changed to the following:
■ I have enough money to pay
■ I don’t have enough time to go
When translating to Japanese you could either ignore the the in these sentences, or use the word enough to be clear.
I don’t have the time
I don’t have enough time
The in Japanese, Referring to what is already Understood

This is the main situation that the is used in English.
If I randomly walked up to you and said, the bird just flew by. you would be thinking, what bird?. By saying the bird this means you know which bird I am talking about so it does not make sense.
Instead, I should have said, a bird just flew by. Here there is no confusion, I am referring to just some bird. In Japanese when talking about a bird you would say:
a bird just flew by
If the person asks you more about the bird, you would then say:
The bird was blackSo, you can use the Japanese Topic Particle は when talking about things that are already understood. Often this translates from Japanese to English as the. Depending on the situation you may use the word その which means that in Japanese.
Context is Everything in Japanese

the in Japanese does not exist but the concept does. If you want to speak Japanese well, then you need to get into the habit of thinking about if you have provided enough information to the listener for them to understand what you are talking about.
the brown cat is cute
Yes, we know cats are cute. Also, depending on the context we maybe talking about cats in general, or comparing with some other cat. So, which cat are we referring to? Instead we could say:
There are two cats that are always walking around my neighborhood. One is brown and one is orange. I saw the brown one yesterday, he was cute.
You don’t always have to be so specific, but it is important to explain so people understand you. So, when speaking Japanese if you do this you don’t need to worry about not having the word the in Japanese.
If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below: