買う – 20+ Japanese Verbs for Buying

shopping carts in Japanese super market

 The word for buy in Japanese is 買う(かう、) .  You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas related to buying.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 買う

買い取る かいとる buy up
買い換える かいかえる buy a replacement
買い求める かいもとめる buy; purchase something someone was intending on
買い込む かいこむ buy up or stock up on something
買い付ける かいつける buy something for business
買い足す かいたす Make additional purchases
買い占める かいしめる buy up (for example buy up stocks or resources to corner or control a market)
買い上げる かいあげる buy up everything, (for example goverment to buy from private citizens)
買い漁る かいあさる buy a bunch of stuff, go on a spending spree
買い戻す かいもどす buy back
買い揃える かいそろえる buy a set of things (everything needed for a certain purpose)
買い集める かいあつめる buy things for a collection
買い与える かいあたえる buy as a gift or buy for someone
買い入れる かいいれる purchase, obtain something through buying
買い支える かいささえる support through buying
買い叩く かいたたく bargain down the price and purchase something for cheap
買い控える かいびかえる wait for a better price to buy something or be reluctant to buy
買い急ぐ かいいそぐ Rush to buy
買い渋る かいしぶる Reluctant to buy
買い溜める かいためる stock up
買い負ける かいまける loose out on buying something (for example in an auction)
買い整える かいととのえる buy a set of things needed for a task or situation
買い被る かいかぶる overestimate

Also, if you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:



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