見る – 60+ Japanese Verbs for Seeing

見る(みる、) is the Japanese word for see. If you want to say more than just seeing something though, Japanese several words for that. By using compound verbs based on 見る you can say a lot more.


Compound verbs which are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives as close of translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 見る

見つける みつける find
見かける みかける happen to see by chance
見直す みなおす re-examine
見守る みまもる Watch over
見上げる みあげる to actually look up or admire
見極める みきわめる Ascertain
見送る みおくる See off
見当たる みあたる come across what one was looking for
見逃す みのがす overlook
見渡す みわたす gaze over a landscape
見下ろす みおろす look down on (physically and metaphorically)
見合う みあう look at each-other
見据える みすえる Gaze
見込む みこむ Anticipate
見抜く みぬく See through
見習う みならう learn by observation
見失う みうしなう Lose sight of
見慣れる みなれる be familiar with seeing
見張る みはる keep a look out
見分ける みわける Distinguish
見立てる みたてる diagnose
見通す みとおす Foresee
見落とす みおとす overlook
見下す みくだす look down
見回す みまわす Look around
見いだす みいだす find out or discover
見比べる みくらべる Compare
見積もる みつもる estimate
見捨てる みすてる Abandon
見届ける みとどける watch something until the end to make sure of
見入る みいる stare
見越す みこす Foresee
見開く みひらく Open one’s eyes
見とれる みとれる be fascinated by
見計らう みはからう Choose at one’s own discretion
見返す みかえす Look back
見舞う みまう visit someone such as in a hospital
見過ごす みすごす look past or neglect something purposely
見向く みむく look toward something
見違える みちがえる to not recognize or recognized as something else
見破る みやぶる to see through deception
見かねる みかねる unable to let something pass without doing something
見誤る みあやまる Misread
見定める みさだめる to find and make sure of or locate
見切る みきる to see something through completely or abandon
見限る みかぎる to give up or forsake
見惚れる みほれる be enchanted by
見知る みしる to see and recognize something about something
見回る みまわる look around or inspect
見飽きる みあきる I am tired of looking at
見受ける みうける Catch sight of
見透かす みすかす See through
見放す みはなす Abandon
見晴らす みはらす get a view of a landscape or into the distance
見紛う みまがう to look mistakenly as something else
見くびる みくびる underestimate
見初める みそめる fall in love at first sight
見繕う みつくろう choose or make a decision
見果てる みはてる see to the end
見下げる みさげる Look down on
見取る みとる to perceive
見返る みかえる look back over the shoulder
見損なう みそこなう fail to see
見降ろす みおろす look down at
見咎める みとがめる Find fault with
見残す みのこす Leave seen
見交わす みかわす exchange glances
見澄ます みすます observe carefully

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