言う – 40+ Compound Verbs to Say Almost Anything

言う(いう、) is the Japanese word for say. It is just as common as the English word. Though sometimes 言う is not enough to express every nuance of your thoughts.
Japanese has compound verbs which are just two verbs stuck together. The word 言う when combined with other verbs creates a whole new range of ideas to help you say exactly what you want to say.
If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives as close of translation or explanation of what the word means.
Word List for 言う
You can also learn these words in the course I created at Memrise.com.
言い出す | いいだす | suddenly say something, bring up, suggest something |
言い切る | いいきる | Assert, declare |
言い聞かせる | いいきかせる | persuade, convince |
言い放つ | いいはなつ | to say frankly |
言い張る | いいはる | Insist |
言い換える | いいかえる | to rephrase |
言い残す | いいのこす | leave unsaid, leave word with someone |
言い合う | いいあう | argue |
言い渡す | いいわたす | deliver a sentence or decision |
言い返す | いいかえす | Talk back |
言い表す | いいあらわす | express |
言い当てる | いいあてる | Guess |
言い寄る | いいよる | to woo or make an approach |
言いふらす | いいふらす | Spread a rumor |
言いのける | いいのける | assert ones thoughts and deflect others |
言い争う | いいあらそう | to argue or haggle |
言いくるめる | いいくるめる | to talk someone into something |
言い捨てる | いいすてる | Say over one’s shoulder |
言い募る | いいつのる | argue vehemently |
言い立てる | いいたてる | insist or take a firm stand on something |
言い含める | いいふくめる | to say something clearly so they understand it |
言い繕う | いいつくろう | to try to explain something away |
言い伝える | いいつたえる | send word of something |
言い逃れる | いいのがれる | evade or talk oneself out of something |
言い付ける | いいつける | tell |
言い負かす | いいまかす | argue someone into silence |
言い置く | いいおく | to leave a message |
言い淀む | いいよどむ | to hesitate to say something |
言い添える | いいそえる | to add something to what was said |
言いそびれる | いいそびれる | fail to mention something |
言い分ける | いいわける | to distinguish by saying one thing instead of something else |
言い慣れる | いいなれる | get used to saying something |
言いなす | いいなす | to say something to make it sound true |
言いつかる | いいつかる | to be told or ordered something |
言い交わす | いいかわす | to exchange words or vows |
言いさす | いいさす | to stop in the middle of saying something |
言い伏せる | いいふせる | argue someone down |
言い及ぶ | いいおよぶ | to bring up or mention something |
言い回す | いいまわす | to say something in a roundabout way |
言い抜ける | いいぬける | Explain away |
言い散らす | いいちらす | to spread rumors or grievances |
言い渋る | いいしぶる | Reluctant to say |
言い負ける | いいまける | to be talked down |
言い足す | いいたす | make an additional remark |
言い損なう | いいそこなう | to say incorrectly or miss chance to say |
言い習わす | いいならわす | saying something that has become a clique or customary saying |
言い落とす | いいおとす | to leave unsaid |
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