焼く・焼ける – 14 Japanese Verbs for Backing and Burning

The Japanese word 焼く(やく、) means to back, roast, grill, burn and so on. Next, 焼ける(やける、) means to be backed, roasted, burned etc. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.
Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.
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World List
焼き上げる | やきあげる | to bake, something to be backed |
焼き付ける | やきつける | burn |
焼きつく | やきつく | burn into |
焼き上がる | やきあがる | be backed |
焼き払う | やきはらう | burn down |
焼き殺す | やきころす | Kill by burning |
焼き切る | やききる | Burn off |
焼き捨てる | やきすてる | get rid of or throw out by burning |
焼き込む | やきこむ | burn (data to a CD) |
焼け落ちる | やけおちる | Be burned down |
焼け残る | やけのこる | remain unburned |
焼け死ぬ | やけしぬ | to be burned to death |
焼け焦げる | やけこげる | scorch or be burned to a crisp |
焼け爛れる | やけただれる | to be burned badly (skin etc.) |
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