思う – 30+ Japanese Verbs for Thinking, Remembering and Cognitive Activities

思う(おもう、) translates to think most of the time. It is used when you want to say something like, I thought his name was tom, he thought, “It is time” and so on. This verb can be used with other verbs as compound verbs to make even more specific meanings.
Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.
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Word List for 思う

思い出す | おもいだす | remember something that was forgot |
思いつく | おもいつく | think of something or get an idea |
思い込む | おもいこむ | Be convinced that |
思い浮かべる | おもいうかべる | Call to mind |
思い浮かぶ | おもいうかぶ | to come to mind |
思い知る | おもいしる | realize or know something through feeling or experiencing it |
思いやる | おもいやる | sympathize with |
思い切る | おもいきる | give up on something |
思い当たる | おもいあたる | to be reminded of something |
思い描く | おもいえがく | visualize |
思い立つ | おもいたつ | resolve to do something |
思い返す | おもいかえす | I think back upon |
思い起こす | おもいおこす | Recall |
思い悩む | おもいなやむ | Worry |
思い至る | おもいいたる | come to realize or understand something |
思いとどまる | おもいとどまる | to desist from doing something or be discouraged |
思い詰める | おもいつめる | think hard about or be obsessed with a thought |
思い残す | おもいのこす | regret |
思い上がる | おもいあがる | Be conceited |
思い定める | おもいさだめる | make up one’s mind |
思い及ぶ | おもいおよぶ | think as far as something |
思いわずらう | おもいわずらう | Worry about |
思い合う | おもいあう | love one another |
思い合わせる | おもいあわせる | consider a number of factors |
思い迷う | おもいまよう | hesitate or not be able to make up one’s mind about doing something or between two choices |
思い余る | おもいあまる | be at a loss |
思い入る | おもいいる | contemplate |
思い焦がれる | おもいこがれる | yearn or long for |
思い乱れる | おもいみだれる | be conflicted |
思い過ごす | おもいすごす | Think too much |
思い惑う | おもいまどう | Be at a loss |
思い違える | おもいちがえる | mistake one thing for another |
思いなす | おもいなす | presume |
思いふける | おもいふける | be lost in thought |
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