踏む – 20+ Japanese Verbs for Stepping

Pigeon stepping

The Japanese word 踏む(ふむ、)  means to step. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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World List for 踏む

踏み込む ふみこむ Step into
踏み出す ふみだす Step forward
踏み切る ふみきる take a plunge or take off
踏み入れる ふみいれる Step into
踏ん張る ふんばる stand firm or put up a stand
踏みつける ふみつける Tread on
踏み外す ふみはずす miss a step
踏みしめる ふみしめる Firmly step
踏み倒す ふみたおす trample down
踏み潰す ふみつぶす crush with one’s foot
踏み越える ふみこえる step over
踏んづける ふんづける step on
踏み抜く ふみぬく step through the floor or be pierced through the foot
踏み固める ふみかためる harden the surface below by repeated stepping
踏み止まる ふみとどまる Hold one’s ground
踏み鳴らす ふみならす Stamp one’s feet
踏み躙る ふみにじる Trample underfoot
踏み荒らす ふみあらす trample on flowers, grass, etc.
踏み分ける ふみわける push through
踏み砕く ふみくだく step on with a crunch or crush
踏み殺す ふみころす trample to death or step on something and kill it
踏み消す ふみけす stamp out (a fire)
踏み迷う ふみまよう get lost or go astray
踏み違える ふみちがえる miss-step, twist an ankle

If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:



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