会話 – 5 tips to learn conversational Japanese

First, there is no one best way to learn conversational Japanese that fits every single person. There is one thing that all methods should have in common. Whatever you do you should be interested in it. That is the most important rule.
If you do something that is no fun and you are pulling out your hair wanting to stop every day, then you should stop that method. It does not matter if someone tells you that this method worked for them if you hate it.
So, after you figure out what you enjoy then here are 5 tips to help your conversation skills improve:
1. Improve your Japanese Intonation
2. Learn Japanese Fillers
3. Learn to Explain things in Japanese
4.Learn Japanese Conjunctives
5. Basic Japanese Vocabulary
Improve your Japanese Intonation
You don’t need to have correct pronunciation for every single word. But, if you mimic a native Japanese speaker’s intonation correctly then it will be easier to speak. People will also understand you better.
Japanese intonation is more subtle than English. It starts high and progressively falls until the end of the statement.
イントネーション – How to Improve your Intonation in Japanese
Learn Japanese Fillers
Filler words are words such as um, like, or other words that don’t have any meaning. These are words that fill space in order to keep the conversation flowing. Though we learn it is bad to use these in school, it is actually has an important role.
When speaking in Japanese if you get stuck and insert some awkward silence, your Japanese will awkward. Saying あの、ええと or other Japanese filers tell the person you are talking with that you are thinking. It keeps the conversation going.
えーと How do you say um in Japanese
Learn to Explain things in Japanese
You should learn what you want to say before you say it in Japanese. This takes work to get used to. Learning to explain things well will take a burden off of the listener and help you speak better Japanese in the long run.
In the beginning just try not to be too fancy. Keep your sentences short and try to say the conclusion in the beginning. These and more Simple Tips for Explaining things in Japanese will help you become a good and interesting conversation partner.
Learn Japanese Conjunctions
After you get good at speaking short, simple statements the next steps is to learn how to connect those thoughts. This is done with conjunctives. For example, in English, and, or, then, although and so on are conjunctives.
Connect sentences together well is much better than learning to make one perfect sentence.
接続詞 – #1 Conversational Japanese with Key Conjunctions
Basic Japanese Vocabulary
Finally, if you want to talk with people it does not make sense to focus on learning words that no one uses. If you want to talk to food-fanatics all-day then learning the names of all sorts of Japanese food would be fine.
Either way, you will want to learn the basic or most frequent words in Japanese first. These are 20% or less of words that are used 80% or more of the time. If you learn to use the most common words in lots of different situations you will speak better Japanese.
基本 – Basic Japanese Verbs and Sentences
基本 – Basic Japanese Adjectives and Sentences : い-Adjective
Having a conversation with someone requires being able to listen well and speak well. To do that you will need to speak with simple words and phrases and connect them together with simple conjunctions and filler words.
If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below: