接続詞 – #3 Conversational Japanese with Key Conjunctions

This is the final part of a series on key conjunctions for conversational Japanese. In Part 1 we talked about conjunctions for comparing phrases, in Part 2 we introduced ordering and comparing phrases and more.
Knowing a few key conjunctions helps you to connect thoughts for meaningful conversations. Take a look below for some more common conjunctions in Japanese.
Examples and Details: for example, especially

例えば(たとえば):for example
I want to eat something tasty. for example, even ice cream is fine
I want to eat something tasty. Especially, ice cream would be nice
具体的に(ぐたいてきき):concretely, in detail, more specifically
I want ice cream. to say it more specifically, I want to eat chocolate ice cream
Instruction – in order to

そのためには:in order for that, in order to do that
I want to eat Natto. In order to do that, I am going to go shopping.
Transitional Conjunctions: and then, if you do that

それで:and then
I am going to eat Natto. and then I will be satisfied
そうすれば:if you do that
Eat some natto. If you do that, you will be satisfied
Switching to next action: Alright, well, now

さて:well, now, alright
We’re ready. Alright, let’s get started
じゃあ:all right
I’m ready. Alright, I am going now.
Conjunctions for Conclusion: either way, ultimately

どっち道(どっちみち):either way
ah, I forgot to give the cat food. Either way, he’ll be sleeping all day so he’ll be fine
I couldn’t decide what to eat today. Ultimately I decided on Natto
If you would like to learn to speak Japanese, I have more information on Speaking and Listening to Japanese. Good luck!
If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below: