接続詞 – #1 Conversational Japanese with Key Conjunctions

trains lined up

Connecting your thoughts together is a very important part of improving your speaking in Japanese. You need to be able to seamlessly move from one sentence to the next. You also need to do so while maintaining some logic between sentences.

Conjunctions are the words and phrases that exist just for that purpose. They connect two separate thoughts into one logical unit. If you learn just a few key conjunctions your conversational Japanese will improve greatly.


Conjunctions allow you to look beyond just words. They let you think in full phrases. Conjunctions free you from the prison of random statements.

This is the first post of a series to teach you common conjunctions used in spoken Japanese.

Cause and Results: So, Therefore

だからtherefore, that is why

I don’t understand what you mean. That is why I am asking you.

そのためfor that reason, for that
Let’s listen to the sound of the rain. For that let’s turn down the radio.

するとthen, and then, whereupon

I thought you will not know unless you try it. Then, when I actually tried it it was fun.

Contrast or exception: But, only, whereas

だけどhowever, but

I want some cake. But, just a little is fine.

ただbut, only

I have time. Only, there is not much I would like to do

でもbut, still

I came here often when I was young. But, lately I don’t come at all

Parallel Statements: Then, once more

またalso, once again

I want to see an interesting movie. Also, I want to eat something tasty.

それからand then

I climbed a tall mountain. And then I took a lot of pictures.

Adding more Information: still, furthermore


there were many people here yesterday. Furthermore today there are even more

そしてand, then

I am going to eat dinner. Then I am going to sleep

Comparing Differences and Similarities: conversely, in contrast

逆にconversely, on the contrary

It is not cold at all. On the contrary, it is actually hot

それに対してin contrast

Taro loves sweets. In contrast, Jiro hates sweets.

If you would like to learn to speak Japanese, I have more information on Speaking and Listening to Japanese. Good luck!

If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:


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