宇宙人 – 3 ways to say Alien in Japanese

alien in Japanese

There are three ways you can say alien in Japanese.

  • 宇宙人うちゅうじん
  • 異星人異星人
  • エイリアン

Let’s take a look at each of them.

宇宙人 – Space People

We first have the most common work for alien in Japanese. 宇宙人うちゅうじん is the word you will hear most in Japanese for alien.

宇宙 Universe in Japanese – Space and Everything

It basically means space people if you break the word down. 宇宙うちゅう means space, and じん is a suffix referring to different groups of people.


異星人 – People from Another Planet

異星人いせいじん is not as common as 宇宙人うちゅうじん but is also another way you can talk about aliens in Japanese. Again we can break this down to find the difference between the two words. 異星いせい is a word that means a different planet or star. So, where 宇宙人 refers to people from space in general, 異星人いせいじん refers to beings from other planets.

エイリアン – Alien

Finally we have エイリアン. Just as you may have expected this is a borrowed word from the English word alien. 

Bonus Words for Aliens in Japanese!

So the three words above are the ways to refer to aliens in General. But, you can use more specific words for different types of aliens. For example, the typical grey aliens which everyone things of would be called simply, グレイ. This word comes from again the English word.

Also, if you want to talk about specific aliens from specific planets you can add the 人 suffix to the end of the planet.

惑星 – The Planets in Japanese

For example, Martians would be 火星人かせいじん. That is because of course 火星かせい means Mars in Japanese.

Great! So now you know how to talk about aliens in Japanese. If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:


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