独特な勉強法 – 7 Unique ways to learn Japanese

Here are 7 unique ways to learn Japanese.
1. Read Real Japanese with Twitter
2. Forvo for listening to Individual Words
3. Create Vocabulary lists from videos
4. Listen to Music In Japanese to Improve Listening
5. Use Google Images to “See” what a Word means
6. Read the Dictionary but don’t try to Memorize
7. Weblio for Japanese with English Translation
Read Real Japanese With Twitter
Whenever you are learning a word in Japanese Twitter is the best place to see how Japanese people actually use it. Just do a search for that term and you instantly have several examples of how to use it.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/Forvo for listening to individual words
Forvo is a website with a collection of several words spoken by native speakers of several different languages. Most common words in Japanese have several different speakers for one word. It is important to listen to the same word spoken by a variety of different Japanese Speakers in order to be able to improve your listening comprehension. Anytime you want to hear what a word sounds like in Japanese just search for it at Forvo.
Create Vocabulary lists from Videos
Watch videos from Japanese YouTubers, the news, or even anime and Japanese dramas. Make sure to watch a variety of content. When you do so if you hear a specific word that pops at you over and over again write it down. Continue to collect new words this way and before you know it you will have a list of Japanese that is used in real life. The words should be eaiser to remember since you have heard them and saw them in context. At this point you can use whatever method you want to review the words periodically.
Listening to Music in Japanese to Improve Listening
Pick any song you like in Japanese. Listen to the first few seconds of the song and then write down what you think you heard. Then go to a website like Uta-net which has lyrics for several Japanese songs to see if you were correct. Move on to the next few seconds of the song and repeat the process
Use Google Images to “See” what a Word means
Search any term in Japanese at Google Images and you will get an instant visual dictionary with a countless number of entries. This works well, especially for Japanese Onomatopoea.
Read the Dictionary but don’t try to Memorize
If you have a paper dictionary then this is a good way to casually prime your mind to get used to Japanese. Pick even 5 minutes a day to commit to reading out of the dictionary and repeat this daily. Do not try to memorize but just do it as an exercise. Most of the words you will forget at first. However, when you see the words again in real-life contexts you will surprisingly remember that this is not the first time you saw the word. At that point search for the word again and you will become that much closer to remembering it for good. I wrote about this technique before in Rote learning by Reading the Dictionary.
Weblio for Japanese with English Translation
Search any word from Weblio and get an instant list of Japanese sentences with that word with English translations. Weblio is a website for Japanese learners wanting to learn English but it works just find if you are learning Japanese also.