夢 – 8 Words for Dreams in Japanese


Japanese has several different words for types of dreams. Many of the words are types of dreams that you may already know about. But, Japanese has specific words for these dreams which don’t exist in English. Let’s take a look

How do you say Dream in Japanese?

ゆめ is the Japanese word for dream in Japanese. It basically means the same thing in English and refers to not only dreams in your sleep, but even dream jobs, dream life styles and so on.

ゆめ vs む

All of the words about dreams in Japanese are based on this word, or the character for dream. So, for some words you will pronounce 夢 as ゆめ and others as む. ゆめ is the Kunyomi reading and actual Japanese word for dream, and む is the Onyomi reading of the character or the name of the character.


Kunyomi and Onyomi made Simple

How to say to Dream in Japanese

In English you say dream for the noun and also dream to refer to the verb, to dream. Japanese on the other hand does not have a verb for dream. Instead, you would say to see a dream when you want to say you are dreaming.

to see a dream

 Now that we have that out of the way, let’s take a look at the individual words for types of dreams in Japanese. 

悪夢 – Nightmare

悪夢あくむ is the Japanese word for nightmare.  It is the same as the English word, and just like 夢 you would say you see a nightmare.

to see a nightmare

means bad or evil in Japanese. So, the direct translation would be bad dream.  

初夢 – First Dream of the Year

初夢はつゆめ means first dream. It refers to the first dream that you would have in the new year. Depending on the dream, it is said to foretell someone’s luck for that year.  

明晰夢 – Lucid Dream

Just like in English, Japanese has a word for lucid dreams which is 明晰夢めいせきゆめ. If we break this down, 明晰 means for something to be clear, well-defined, understood and so on. So, in the word 明晰夢, it means that it is a dream that you clearly know is a dream. 

予知夢 – Prophetic Dream

予知よち means, precognition or to foretell something. So, the word 予知夢よちむ in Japanese means a prophetic dream about something that is going to happen in the future. 

Do Dreams Come True?

That question maybe up for debate, but in Japanese there are two words that do explain dreams coming true and not coming true.

正夢 – A Dream that Comes True

We know that 予知夢 is a prophetic dream for something to happen in the future. How about if the dream actually does come true though? In that case we would call it 正夢まさゆめ. The word or character here, 正 means truth. So, this would mean 正夢 translates to a true dream. 

逆夢 – A Dream that doesn’t Come True

Not all dreams become reality. Now that we know that 正夢 is for dreams that do, what about those that don’t? In Japanese we would call these dreams 逆夢さかゆめ. These are the dreams that don’t happen or actually dreams where the opposite thing happens. 逆夢 translates directly to reverse dream. It can be translated other ways like a contradictory dream, or a false dream though. 

Lucky and Unlucky Dreams

In Japanese there are two Kanji for luck. きち is for good and きょう for bad luck. These two characters are used also to talk about lucky and unlucky dreams in Japanese  

吉夢 – Lucky Dream

In dream fortune-telling, or dream interpretation known as 夢占ゆめうらな in Japanese, 吉夢きちむ are lucky dreams or good omen dreams. These are the dreams where you see something that indicates something good is going to happen. This type of a dream is different from 予知夢よちむ which foretells an event. 吉夢 are dreams that show something symbolically which represents some equivalent positive event to come in the real world.  

凶夢 – Unlucky Dream

Dreams are not all lollipops and Unicorns. 凶夢きょうむ are the opposite of 吉夢. These dreams are for bad omen about things to come. Again, they are not about actual events but symbolic of things to happen. Also, they are not the same as 悪夢あくむ which are nightmares.  凶夢 may not be a bad dream at all but depending on what shows up in it, the dream could be telling you that bad or unlucky things are to come when you awake. 

If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.


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