高くはない vs 高くない

shopping carts in Japanese super market

What is the difference between 高くない and 高くはない? Japanese is a language where small differences in words can convey a number of different nuances. The meaning may be the same but have different implications. One example is when in Japanese you use the particle は with negative forms of adjectives. Let’s take a look.


高くはない vs 高くない

First, たかくない means that something is not expensive.

These shoes are not really that expensive 

When you add は to it the meaning is the same but has new nuances about how not expensive it is高くはない means that something is not expensive, but it is not really cheap either. So, if someone says 高くはない they mean that it reasonable or it is not expensive in comparison to other things. 

These shoes are not really that expensive 

Think of 高くはない as an Abbreviation

When someone says 高くはない they are implying that something is not really that expensive but not necessarily cheap. 

These shoes are not really that expensive, but they aren’t cheap either

高くはある vs 高い

So, if you were curious, Japanese also has a positive form of 高くはない. If you say 高くはある it means that something is expensive but not that expensive.

These shoes are expensive, but not that expensive

If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.


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