眠い – 3 Ways to say I am Tired in Japanese

The word tired has a few different meanings in English. It can mean you are sleepy, worn-out, or just sick of something. However in Japanese these three meanings have three separate words. Let’s take a look.
- 眠い – Sleepy
- 疲れた – Worn-out
- 飽きた – Sick of
眠い – Sleepy
The word for tired or sleepy in Japanese is 眠い. This is the word you would say when you want to sleep. You can also say 眠たい which means the same things.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/疲れた – Worn-out
Sometimes you may have had enough sleep but you are still tired. You may not be sleeping but instead you are worn out. In Japanese the word for worn-out is 疲れた. This is the past form of the verb 疲れる which means to get worn out or tired. This could mean physically from working too much, or even psychologically.
飽きた – Sick of
Finally we have the last word for tired in Japanese, 飽きた. This is another verb in the past form. It means to be sick of or tired of something.
If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.