お湯 vs 水 and words for Water in Japanese

Glass of drinking water

There are a few different words for water in Japanese. Depending on the temperature or if it is drinking water you will use different words.

水 for Cold Water or just Water

Splash of water in the air

The main word for water is みず. This is used when you are talking about water in general just like in English. The only exception is that it is not used when talking about hot water.


お湯 for Hot Water

Bathtub with a rubber duck

In English we can say hot water for the water we would make for tea or coffee. Or we could say bathwater for water in the tub. In Japanese, you don’t say either of the following

あつい水Hot water
あたたかい水Warm water

Instead Japanese has the word,  which means hot water.  Usually, it is said with the polite prefix  making it  .

熱湯 for Boiling Water

boiling water in a pot

If you are talking about boiling water or really hot water you would say 熱湯ねっとう.

ぬるま湯 or Lukewarm Water

Lukewarm water is not quite cold enough to be みず. It is not quite hot enough to be either though. You refer to this temperature of water as ぬるま in Japanese. This is fitting since the Japanese adjective for lukewarm is ぬる.

お冷 for Cold Drinking Water

You can say みず for cold drinking water. There is another word ひや which is a polite word for cold drinking water.

So that is the different between 水 and お湯.If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.



I also have several other posts on various topics on Japanese Universe if you are interested.

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