惑星 – The Planets in Japanese

The solar system showing the planets

There used to be 9, but now there are 8 planets in our solar system. Though the only planet you may ever visit is the one we are on now, it is good to know what to call them in Japanese. Let’s take a look.

The Planets in Japanese

The planets in Japanese with their English translations are as follows.

  1. 水星すいせい – Mercury
  2. 金星きんせい – Venus
  3. 地球ちきゅう – Earth
  4. 火星かせい – Mars 
  5. 木星もくせい – Jupiter 
  6. 土星どせい – Saturn  
  7. 天王星てんおうせい – Uranus
  8. 海王星かいおうせい – Neptune
  9. 冥王星めいおうせい – Pluto

You can see that all the planets but Earth end in 星. This Kanji means basically planet or star. So, it’s kind of like a suffix for planets. Anyway, let’s take a further look at our planets individually.


水星 – The Water Planet

First we have the closest planet to the sun, Mercury. This is the smallest planet also after Pluto denominated as a planet. In Japanese Mercury is 水星, The water planet. The first character in 水星 is 水 which is the Kanji for water. 

水 – Water in Japanese, Describing Water in Nature

水星 should not be confused with 彗星すいせい. Both of these are pronounced the same but 彗星 means comet. 

お湯 vs 水 and words for Water in Japanese

金星 – The Golden Planet

The golden planet as the name suggests, is the second plant from the sun. That is right, it is 金星 or as you may know it in English, Venus. 

Grade One Kanji Part 5: 金 空 月 犬 見

地球 – Ball of Dirt

地球 is made up of two Kanji, 地 meaning soil, ground, dirt, or, earth and 球 which means a ball or globe. This is the third planet and is the one we are on now, Earth. 

Olympics in Japanese – Ball Sports: 卓球、野球、水球

火星 – The Fire Planet

火星 is the fourth planet from the sun. If we look at the Kanji 火 means fire. So, this is the Fire Planet in Japanese.

火 – Japanese words for Fire

木星 – The Wooden Planet

Jupiter is next and is the Wooden Planet, or Tree planet. 木 is the character for wood or trees, hence the name for 木星

Grade One Kanji 16: 百 文 木 本 名

土星 – The Dirt Planet

After Jupiter the next of our planets in Japanese is 土星. This is of course Saturn. The character 土 also means dirt, soil, or earth like 地 did in 地球. 

Grade One Kanji Part 14: 町 天 田 土 二

天王星 – The Sky King Planet

天王星 is our seventh planet and is Uranus in English. 天王 can be broken into 天 meaning heaven or sky and 王 which means king. 

空 – How do I say Sky in Japanese

So, this is actually a translation of the Roman God Uranus which is the Sky God. 

任天堂 – What does Nintendo mean?

海王星 – The Sea King Planet

Just like 天王星, our next planet 海王星 is also names after a Roman Deity. That is of course Neptune. This is the Roman God of the seas.  海 is the Kanji for sea or ocean and 王 again is king. 

海 – What is the Japanese Word for Ocean?

冥王星 – The Underworld Planet

Finally we have our last planet, Pluto. This is actually no longer considered a planet. But, that is ok as this is a language blog and not a science blog. Anyway, 冥王星 is Pluto in Japanese. Pluto is the roman god equivalent to Hades. 冥 is a not so common character that can mean afterlife, underworld, and so on. 

霊 – 10 Types of Ghosts in Japanese

So, now you know the planets in Japanese. If you are interested in learning even more, I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:

Bonus! The Days are similar to the Planets in Japanese

The days of the week in Japanese also interestingly similar to the names of plants in Japanese. The order is not the same but just like fire planets, wood planets, water planets there are fire, wood, and water days!  I explain all about it in the post below.

日月火水木金土 – The Days of the Week in Japanese



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