一月 – What is January in Japanese?

Otoshidama which is money given on the new year in Japan

January in Japanese is pretty easy to remember. Basically, it is just the number one added to the Kanji for the moon. Let’s take a look

What is January in Japanese

January in Japanese is 1月いちがつ or in Roman Characters, Ichigatsu. Basically, in order to say January in Japanese, you need to know the number one and the character of the moon. 1 in Japanse is Ichi or the character 一. So you can also write January as 一月 in Japanese. This is pretty much how all the months in Japanese work.

月 – How to say the Months in Japanese

The Old way to say January in Japanese

Just as a bonus there is an old word for January in Japanese. It is 睦月むつき. This word was used in the old Japanese calendar.


Putting it all Together

So Ichigatsu is January in Japanese. You can write it as the following:

  • 1月
  • 一月

Or the traditional word is 睦月.



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