4 Ways to say I Give up in Japanese

We give up on all sorts of things for all kinds of reasons all of the time. That is ok and just a natural part of life. Hopefully, you are not giving up on Japanese as it is a very interesting language even though it has its difficulties at times. So if you are still continuing with your Japanese studies here are 4 ways to say I give up in Japanese.
How to say I Give up in Japanese?
Here are 4 ways to say I give up in Japanese. As most phrases you translate from English to Japanese, the phrases don’t always match 100%. The Japanese equivalents of the English phrases will often be used in other situations or mean something a little different.
- 諦める
- まいった
- もうだめだ
- もういい
諦める – The Verb for Giving up
There is a verb in Japanese, 諦める, which actually means to give up.
I’m giving up on this test
まいった – I’m Stuck…
まいった is an expression that is said when someone is confused, stuck at something, or does not know what else to do and is giving up.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/もうだめだ – No more!
もうだめだ is another expression based on the Japanese word だめ.
The Meaning of Dame (だめ) in Japanese
This word in itself is very common and has several usages outside of giving up. In the expression もうだめだ, the もう is a word that represents time up to now or extends up to a certain point. This often translates to already. So, もうだめだ means something like I have already had enough, no more and so on.
もういい – That’s Enough
Again in the word もういい you see もう which we explained above. いい means good, fine, ok, and so on. So if you say もういい it can mean something like, that’s enough, I’m good, and of course, I give up depending on the context.