What is the Difference between 人 vs 人間

There are several ways to talk about people in Japanese. There are two specific words however that are the most common. They would be of course 人 and 人間. Let’s take a look at what they mean and the difference between them.
What does 人 mean in Japanese?
First, we have 人. This basic word is the most common way to talk about people. It basically means person or people.
You can say this in most circumstances when you are just wanting to generically refer to a person specifically or in general. Grammar in Japanese works differently from English so it can also be said to mean someone sometimes.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/What does 人間 mean in Japanese?
Next 人間 is a word that is closest to human. When we say human in English it means basically the species. In Japanese, this is much the same. Saying 人間 would refer basically to the human species as in contrast to animals.