毒 – How to use this Poisonous, Toxic, and Venomous word

image of pink creatures leading smaller black creatures with the Kanji 毒 pronounced doku which is poison in Japanese

The Kanji character どく in Japanese refers to words such as poison, venom, and toxin. In English to these words look very different but basically mean some substance that causes harm. 毒 in Japanese can mean any of these three. Let’s take a closer look.

What does 毒 mean in Japanese?

毒 means something that can cause harm like poison, venom, something toxic, and so on.

Poison in Japanese

Poison is usually some kind of chemical that causes harm to the body. 毒 is the word for poison in Japanese. When someone says 毒 it is most of the time referring to poison instead of the other two following words. Poison would be the most common translation for 毒. If you want to be more specific you could say something like 毒薬どくやく which would mean some kind of poisonous liquid, or medicine. It is more common though to just say 毒.


Venom in Japanese

The word venom in Japanese is more specific than poison. Venom would be poison from an animal. There is not a specific word to differentiate venom from poison in Japanese. But, if you wanted to talk about an animals venom like a snake, or even say something like venomous snake, you could say:

a snake’s venom

a venomous snake

Toxin in Japanese

Next, the word for toxin in Japanese is a little different. A toxin is a harmful substance produced in an organism.

内臓 – Organs of the Body in Japanese

In Japanese, that word would be 毒素どくそ. This word is a little more technical than just 毒. If you want to say that something is toxic, you could say a few things.

toxic (literally: having toxicity)

toxic material

Other Important words with 毒

毒 is also a character in other words. First, 有毒ゆうどく which is used as an adjective describes things that are poisonous, venomous, and toxic. Next, 中毒ちゅうどく is a commonly used word. It can mean to be poisoned, intoxicated, or drunk, and even to be addicted.


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