3 Simple Steps to Enjoy Learning Japanese More

Man smiling while looking at his Smart phone

The best way to learn Japanese online is to do what you enjoy doing when you enjoy doing it. From my experience, I personally learn more when I am enjoying what I am doing instead of trying to force myself to learn something a certain way because I think that is the best method. At one point or another whatever method you are using will lose its effectiveness. Simply because it is not enjoyable.

All Learning Methods get Boring, Switch Between Methods

The Internet is an ocean of information. If you have decided to use it to learn Japanese then you are in luck! There are enough resources out there to find something you enjoy. At the same time, though it can be overwhelming. So, in order to keep your online Japanese learning interesting and management, here are two steps:

  1. Save Resources you Enjoy so you can easily access them
  2. Always Know which Resources you Enjoy the most
  3. Spend most of your time doing what you Enjoy

This all is common sense but not always easy to implement. Let’s take a look at these steps further

Save your Resources

Basically, if you find some resource you enjoy save it so you don’t forget about it. I can remember times when I would find something one day I thought was interesting then forget about it. Then, months later I would remember but did not save any links to get back to that resource. You can’t decide what you will and won’t enjoy. But you will enjoy learning Japanese more as you have more enjoyable resources.


So In order to keep it interesting make a collection of all websites or other online content you find. That could be websites for learning Japanese, websites in Japanese, browser extensions, apps, Youtube channels, and so on. You won’t enjoy the same stuff every day but over time the more resources you have the better. That is because you will have more choices to choose from and it is more likely that you will enjoy something out of your collection.

Know What you Enjoy The most

The next step is to take note of which resources are giving you the most pleasure. This is more important than step one. Why? Because a lot of the time we don’t know what we enjoy. So, what you will want to do is after you are finished using a resource take note if you enjoyed it or not or how you felt. After a while of using a specific resource, you will get an idea if that resource is bringing you enough enjoyment to stay motivated to continue learning Japanese with it. If that resource is no longer enjoyable then that will give you the opportunity to try something new.

The more specific you are with this and the more details the better. If you write notes on what time it is, where you are at and so on you can over time find trends of what kind of resource you enjoy under different circumstances. This is not necessary but can be helpful for those obsessed with efficiency. If you are not one of those people and you are ok just having a vague idea of what you enjoy that is fine too. The point is to enjoy your studies and if taking too many notes is unenjoyable then it is better not to do so as that would make studying less enjoyable.

Do what you Enjoy the Most

Finally, after you have a list of resources and know what you do and do not enjoy trying to spend more time doing what you do enjoy. This is pretty obvious but again if you took really detailed notes of what you enjoyed and what you didn’t along with the time of day and so on, you can try to make an effective study plan for when you can be most productive.

If you follow these three steps then, in the end, your enjoyment of learning Japanese should in general be more enjoyable.  Essentially what you are doing is becoming aware of what you enjoy which allows you to do more of that instead of what you don’t enjoy.

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