星座 – 12 signs of the Western Zodiac in Japanese

The twelve signs of the Zodiac

The Zodiac is popular in many countries of the world and Japan is no exception. If you are learning Japanese and interested in what your sign of the Western Zodiac in Japanese is, you are in the right place. The Japanese word used for the zodiac is 星座せいざ. This is also the word for constellation in Japanese. Let’s take a look at all 12 signs.

Aries – おひつじ座

The word for Aries in Japanese is 牡羊座おひつじざ. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between March 20 or 21 to April 19 to 21.

牡羊座 – Aries: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Taurus – おうし座

Taurus in Japanese is 牡牛座おうしざ. People’s birthdays between around April 20 to May 20 are Taurus.

牡牛座 – Taurus: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Gemini – ふたご座

The third astrological sign of the Zodiac is Gemini. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between around May 21 to June 21. In Japanese, this is called 双子座ふたござ.

双子座 – Gemini: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Cancer – かに座

Cancer in Japanese is 蟹座かにざ. This is the fourth sign and covers dates, June 21 to 22 until July 21 to 22.

蟹座 – Cancer: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Leo – しし座

獅子座ししざis the word for Leo in Japanese. If you were born between July 23 to August 22 or 23 then you are a Leo.

獅子座 – Leo: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Virgo – おとめ座

August 23 to September 22 are the birthdates for Virgo. Which in Japanese is 乙女座おとめざ.


乙女座 – Virgo: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Libra – てんびん座

天秤座てんびんざis the word for Libra in Japanese. This is the sevenths sign and if you were born between September 23 to October 23 then you are a Libra.

天秤座 – Libra: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Scorpio – さそり座

Next, we have Scorpio. If you were born between October 22 to around November 24 then you are a Scorpio or in Japanese 蠍座さそりざ.

蠍座 – Scorpio: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Sagittarius – いて座

Number nine is Sagittarius for dates, November 22 to around December 22. The word for Sagittarius in Japanese is 射手座いてざ.

Capricorn – やぎ座

山羊座やぎざ is Capricorn in Japanese and the tenth sign of the Western Zodiac. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between around December 21 to around January 21.

山羊座 – Capricorn: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Aquarius – みずがめ座

Aquarius in Japanese is 水瓶座みずがめざ. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between around January 20 to around February 18.

水瓶座 – Aquarius: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Pisces – うお座

The final sign is Pisces. In Japanese, you call this sign 魚座うおざ and is for dates February 18 to March 21.

魚座 – Pisces: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

Now you know the words for the Zodiac in Japanese. If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.

I also have several other posts on various topics on Japanese Universe if you are interested.
