山羊座 – Capricorn: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

shaggy white goat smiling

The tenth astrological symbol of the Western Zodiac is Capricorn. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between around December 21 to around January 21. Let’s take a look at what to call this sign in Japanese.


What is Capricorn Japanese?

The word for Capricorn in Japanese is 山羊座やぎざ. We can split this word into 山羊 and . First, 座 is a suffix added after the names of words in the zodiac or after constellations. 山羊 simply means goat.

射手座 – Sagittarius: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

山羊座 is the common way to refer to Capricorn in Japanese. However, there is also another word for Capricorn in Japanese. That is 磨羯宮まかつばきゅう and this is the more formal name for Capricorn. 磨羯 can also be read マカラ which is the word for Makara which is a type of sea-creature in Hindu Mythology.


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