射手座 – Sagittarius: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

man on a horse with a bow aiming at a target

The ninth astrological symbol of the Western Zodiac is Sagittarius. This is the sign for people’s birthdays between around November 22 to around December 22. Let’s take a look at what to call this sign in Japanese.

What is Sagittarius in Japanese?

The word for Sagittarius in Japanese is 射手座いてざ. We can split this word into 射手 and . First, 座 is a suffix added after the names of words in the zodiac or after constellations. 射手 means something like shooter, or archer. If we break 射手 down, even more, 射 comes from the verb 射る which means to shoot with an arrow. 手 is the Japanese word for hand and in this situation is used as a suffix to refer to people.


蠍座 – Scorpio: The Western Zodiac in Japanese

射手座 is the common way to refer to Sagittarius in Japanese. However, there is also another word for Sagittarius in Japanese. That is 人馬宮じんばきゅう and this is the more formal name for Sagittarius. 人馬 has two meanings. First, it means a person and a horse as the Kanji 人 means human, and 馬 means horse. Next, it means Centaur which is a half-human, half-horse creature.


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