とめる vs やめる – How do you Say Stop in Japanese?

Man putting out open hand to say stop

In English, the word stop can have a few meanings. It can mean to cause something to come to an end, or to quit doing something for example. So, how do you say stop in Japanese?

How do you Say Stop in Japanese?

There are two main ways to say stop in Japanese. One is for actually stopping an activity while the other word is closer to quitting and activity.



める means to physically stop or intervene in some activity. You would say it for example to stop a conversation or stop water from running. 止める also can mean holding something in a certain state like holding one’s breath. You can also use this word to mean stopping something like your gaze on an object

◆話を止めるStop talking
◆水を止めるStop the water (turn off the water)
◆息を止めるHold one’s breath
◆鳥に目を止めるfix one’s eyes on the bird

Next, the word まる is related to 止める. 止まる is the intransitive version of 止める.

動詞 – The Basics of Japanese verbs

It means to stop, be still, or halt. In Japan, the stop signs say 止まれ!  The command form of 止まる to mean STOP! 


Finally, the word やめる means to stop doing something or to quit. So, you could say やめる just for some activity or quitting something for good.

◆テレビを見るのをやめるStop watching TV
◆タバコをやめるQuit smoking


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