12 Ideas to feel like you are in Japan

Japan is a great country to visit if you have a chance. But, in reality, not all of us can hop on a plane and head over there whenever we feel like it. Luckily though you can still find ways to enjoy Japan even if you are not there. If you want to feel like you are in Japan here are 12 ideas.
- Watch YouTube and other videos
- Read Twitter for Japanese people
- Read Japanese news
- Meet people from Japan
- Make Japanese food
- Learn about Japan
- Learn Japanese
- Make online friends
- Order Japanese things online
- Drive around google maps or google earth
- Watch Japanese TV Programs
- Listen To Japanese music
Watch YouTube and Other Videos
If you go to YouTube you can watch all sorts of videos. The most immersive thing you could do is watch videos in Japanese of people in Japan.
This can be Japanese YouTubers or just search videos in Japanese. You can also watch videos in English, or even just watch live webcams of places in Japan.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/Read Twitter from Japanese people
Again if you are wanting to learn Japanese this is a good way to see what people are talking about. If you go to Twitter you can see comments of everyday people talking about a wide range of topics, or responding to current events.
Read Japanese News
Speaking of current events, reading the news is also a great way to stay connected with Japan. You can find news sources in Japanese or even just find news topics about current events in Japan.
This is also a good way if you are learning Japanese to have an endless supply of fresh content.
Meet People from Japan
You may or may not have people from Japan living in your area. If you do and have an opportunity consider meeting some new people or making a new friend.
Make Japanese Food
Everyone has to eat. If you want to really feel like you are in Japan this is a great way.
Eating Japanese food gives you a way to experience Japan through sight, touch, smell, and yes, taste. This can activate all your senses at the same time to give you a real immersive experience.
Learn about Japan
Whether it is history, culture or some other topic of interest learning is great! When you are reading something and really getting into it that stimulates images in your mind and can make you feel like you are actually experiencing whatever you are reading about. Of course, you can also watch videos too.
Learn Japanese
This website is mainly about learning Japanese so I do have a bias here. Anyway, learning Japanese is the best way in my opinion to dive deeper and deeper into all things Japanese. It gives you the ability to talk to Japanese people, search for information in Japanese which can give you all new perspectives.
Make Online Friends
You don’t need to meet real people in real life. You can make friends online with Japanese people. Especially if they are people in Japan they can tell you what is going on in their country, and you can tell them what is happening in yours.
Order Japanese Things Online
Food is great but you can also buy things from Japan online. This can be books, things to decorate your house or whatever you like. You can take this a step further and take the things you purchase and put them around your house in places that you will see often. This will allow you to be stimulated to think of Japan.
Drive Around Google Maps or Google Earth
Much like live videos, Google Maps actually show you Japan. It is not live but it allows you to explore areas of Japan in 3D. This is the closest thing to exploring Japan that you can get while being on your computer.
Watch Japanese TV Programs
Dramas, anime, variety shows, or whatever. Try watching some Japanese programs if available to experience Japan.
Listen to Japanese Music
Finally listening to music. You can find music on YouTube or Spotify. This is a great way to just passively have a Japanese vibe in your environment.