In Depth on the Usages and Meaning of 心 in Japanese

Image of women holder her heart with the Japanese word 心 meaning heart or mind

こころ means mind, heart, or spirit. Basically, the meaning of 心 refers broadly to any part of a person that is non-physical. This comes down to a number of things such as their feelings, intentions, emotions, or what goes on in their head. Let’s take a closer look.

The Meaning of 心 in Japanese

The word, has a vast array of meanings connected to it. But, at the same time, it is surprisingly close to the concepts of mind or heart in English.

心 means Heart

When we say heart of course we are talking about the emotional heart, not the physical heart. So, when we say heart that can include emotions, feelings, intentions, desires, or other subjective personal truths or beliefs.

心 means Mind

Next 心 also means mind. When we talk about the mind in general this means the dichotomy between the mind and the body. So, if we think about the contents of the mind that would be one’s thoughts, or what someone maybe be imagining inside of their head.

The Meaning of 心 in Various Situations

If you remember 心 means mind or heart then in most situations you won’t have any trouble understanding what the word is trying to portray in a sentence.

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Mostly the word is not that complicated. But, as a common word that encompasses a large area of meaning, 心 has expressive even metaphorical usages. For the most part, though, 心 shows up in a limited but large number of phrases. If you remember some of these phrases then you can understand how to say and when to say 心 with no trouble.

Pure or Honest Feelings

When you do something from your heart that means you are sincere about it. In Japanese 心 also holds this same meaning.

to truly appreciate (appreciate from the heart)

Decision Making

Decision-making is a concept that can be represented with 心. Just like in English where you make up your mind you do the same in Japanese

make up one’s mind

Dedication for Something

Putting your whole heart into something means that you have full dedication to something.


Interest in Something

心 also can tell you that you have an interest in something.

to be captivated by (have one’s heart stolen)

Open or Closed-Minded

Here is another unique concept represented by 心. You can think of a large mind as something that has room to take in a lot of broad ideas. On the other hand, a mind that is not as large does not have the space to be open to such variety.

to be open-minded (have a wide/open mind)

to be close-minded (have a narrow mind)

Remembering something

心 also has several expressions about memory. Hear, you can think of 心 as space where these memories remain or show up.

to etch into one’s mind

to remain in one’s mind

to come to one’s mind

Being Careful or giving Attention

Finally, we can talk about being careful with 心 or giving attention.

to give attention to something (to distribute one’s mind)



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