五輪 – Names of Sports at the Olympics in Japanese

July 23rd to August 8th is when the 2020, or 2021 Olympics in Tokyo Japan take place. If you have been wondering how to say the different names of sports at the Olympics in Japanese then you are in the right place. I have previously written about water sports, ball sports, and combat sports. Today, I am going to just list up some of the remaining sports at the Olympics this year and their translations. Let’s take a look.
Sports for the Olympics in Japanese are from English
Most sports words in Japanese are the same in English. So, below are a few sports which are the same in both languages:
- アーチェリー – Archery
- ウエイトリフティング – Weight Lifting
- スケートボード – Skate Boarding
- トライアスロン – Triathlon
- トランポリン – Trampoline Gymnastics
- ホッケー Hockey
Olympics in Japanese – 自転車競技、射撃、馬術、陸上競技
Now we have the unique words for sports at the Olympics in Japanese.
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/自転車競技 – Cycling
自転車競技 means cycling. It is made of first the words 自転車 meaning bicycle and 競技 meaning competition.
射撃 – Shooting
At the Olympics, another sport is shooting. In Japanese, at the Olympics, this sport is called 射撃. This word is made of two characters which both are roughly similar and mean to shoot and to hit.
馬術- Equestrian
Next, we have the equestrian which is 馬術 in Japanese. This word is probably closer to horsemanship.
陸上競技 – Athletics
陸上競技 is how to say athletics, or track and field in Japanese. The word 陸上 means land or ground since these are sports done on land as opposed to in the water.
体操競技 – Gymnastics
Next, 体操競技 is the Japanese word for gymnastics. 体操 as a word itself can also refer in general to different types of exercises. And again, 競技 means competition. When I think of the Olympics usually the first thing that pops in my mind is the gymnastics sports.
新体操 – Rhythmic Gymnastics
Finally, we have 新体操. This words is based on the one above, 体操 but adds the 新 Kanji which means new. So, I guess New Gymnastics would be a direct translation.
If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.
I also have several other posts on various topics on Japanese Universe if you are interested.