Olympics in Japanese – Combat Sports: 柔道、空手

Kids standing in front of the ocean in Karate uniforms

The Summer Olympics are in Japan this year from July 23rd to August 8th. If you are a fan of combat sports or martial arts then the Olympics has you covered.  The Olympics will be hosting wrestling, boxing, Judo, and other combat sports events. I will provide the official link to the Olympics schedule at the end of this post.  Before that though keep reading to learn about how to say these sports in Japanese.

Sports at the Olympics in Japanese are close to English

Most sports words in Japanese are the same in English. Take a look below:

  • レスリング – Wrestling
  • ボクシングBoxing
  • フェンシングFencing

Other than Taekwando these words are pretty close to the English words. Taekwando even is not that much different from English but I believe the word was borrowed directly from Korean.


Olympics in Japanese – 柔道、空手

The next two words for combat sports both originate from Japan.

柔道 – Judo

柔道 じゅうどう means Judo. The Kanji 柔 is the character for soft, delicate, or gentle. Then we have 道 which means path and is used in words talking about philosophies or different teachings.

空手 – Karate

Next, 空手からて is Karate written in JapaneseThe first part of the word, 空 means empty. 手 is the Japanese word for hand. So we can translate 空手 to Empty-handed. This meaning is opposed to using weapons to fight. Because of course, you use your hands when you do karate.

五輪 – How do you say Olympics in Japanese?


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