Olympics in Japanese – Ball Sports: 卓球、野球、水球

Image of balls used in sports

The Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan runs from July 23rd to August 8th. And, just like in the past there will be several popular sports such as golf, soccer, basketball and so on.  All of these sports involve some sort of ball. So, I have compiled a list of the ball sports that you will see at the Olympics in Japanese.

Sports for the Olympics in Japanese are from English

Most sports words in Japanese are the same in English. So, to make it easy let’s knock these out of the way first:

  • ゴルフGolf
  • サッカーSoccer
  • バスケットボールBasket Ball
  • バドミントンBadminton
  • バレーボールVolley Ball
  • ハンドボールHandball

Other than rowing all the English words are the same. ボート is of course from the English word boat.

Olympics in Japanese – 卓球、野球、水球

Finally, we have three words for sports at the Olympics in Japanese.  These are unique to Japanese.


卓球 – Ping Pong

卓球 たっきゅうmeans ping pong or table tennis. The Kanji 卓 means something like a table, desk, or just some elevated area. 球 is the Kanji for ball.

野球 – Baseball

Next, 野球やきゅう is the Japanese word for baseball. 球 again is the same word for ball then we have 野. This character stands for a field. Hense, baseball being a sport played in a field.

五輪 – How do you say Olympics in Japanese?

水球 – Water Polo

Finally, we have Water Polo which in Japanese is 水球すいきゅう.

Olympics in Japanese – Water Sports: 飛込、競泳、水球

I actually introduced this sport in the last article I wrote about Olympics in Japanese if you want to take a look above.


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