太陽 vs 日 – Japanese Words for Sun

There are two different Japanese words for Sun. They are 太陽 and 日. These two words mean the same thing and show up in most of the same situations. They are a little different though. Let’s see how.
太陽 is the word for the sun that is probably closest to the English word. It refers to the Sun as something in space. It can also be used the same in English as a Sun rising or setting.
The Sun Sets
日 is the more general term for sun. However, at the same time, it means day or date also.
I am busy on that day
The Sun Sets
太陽 vs 日 – What is the Difference?
太陽 and 日 mean the same thing but have a different nuance to them. 日 is commonly used in general, everyday compound words referring to the Sun, the date, or daytime.
This is a difference between 太陽 which means solar when used in compounds.
Compound Words with 日
- 日焼け – Sunburn
- 朝日 – Morning Sun
- 日付 – Date
- 日の出 -Sunrise
- 日の入り – Sunset
- 日よけ – Sunshade
Compound Words with 太陽
- 太陽系 -Solar System
- 太陽電池 -Solar Battery
- 太陽年 -Solar Year
- 太陽熱 – Solar Heat
- 太陽黒点 -Sun Spot