5 Online Japanese News Sources in Japanese

Man smiling while looking at his Smart phone

Learning Japanese from the news is one sure way to always have new content. News sources constantly put out new content so you will never run out of stuff to read or listen to. Here are a few news sources you can use to learn Japanese


FNN News

FNN News puts out several videos mostly around a minute or so on YouTube. They also have longer videos with the news round up from 30 minutes to an hour.

FNN YouTube Channel

ANN News

Similar to FNN News ANN News puts out content on YouTube. They also have a 24 hour news stream. So if you want to just listen to Japanese in the background you can keep this running.

ANN YouTube Channel

TBS News

Next, TBS News also has videos from around a minute or so which they put on YouTube several times a day.

TBS YouTube Channel

Weather News

Weather News is a channel also dedicated to, well, the weather. So, if at any time you are wondering what the weather is like in Japan you can check out their live stream or videos on their channel.

Weather News YouTube Channel

NHK News

Finally, we have NHK News. I wanted to call this post the 5 Japanese News sources on YouTube, or something like that. But, NHK is holding out on putting their news on YouTube. That is fine though, they do actually have a YouTube channel but they don’t really put the news on it. Anyway, you can go to their website though where they put out lots of news content.

NHK Website


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