車 – Learn Japanese in your Car

taxi parked

If you want to learn Japanese in your car then all you need is a radio or your phone.

How to Learn Japanese in your Car

Learning a language is a process of learning several different skills and using those skills together to express meaning. The skills are all related but require dedicated attention to learn each. If you want to learn Japanese in your car then unless the car is self-driving you will be limited to passive listening.

How do you do Passive Listening in your Car?

In order to learn Japanese in your car, you need something to listen to in Japanese. Also what you pick to listen to needs to be something you can listen to over and over in order to get any use out of it. Unless you are at a higher level, I would not advise just listening to the radio in Japanese or podcasts. That may be ok if you are cooking or doing something that you don’t need to put as much attention to. The difference though is when you are driving is that you can’t dedicate too much attention to listening if you want to be safe.

So if you want to learn while you are driving then you need to pick something that you don’t need to focus on. That means you can listen to music or pick something that you can put on repeat. When you are passively listening to something then you will not pick up most of it. So, in order to get any benefit out of your time in the car, you will want to pick some audio that you can listen to over and over. That means that you will have more opportunities to learn something with repetition. You could record simple sentences that you want to learn and just play those over and over. Or even just some words you want to learn the correct pronunciation for.


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