20 Most Common Kanji on Twitter

Image of phone with twitter over a global map

Twitter is a platform you can use if you want to see what everyday people are talking about in Japanese. Here is a list of the 20 most common Kanji on Twitter.


20 Most Common Kanji on Twitter

Onyomi Kunyomi Meaning
shou wara(u) laugh, smile
nichi, jitsu hi sun, day
kon, kin ima now
jin, nin hito person
dai, tai oo(kii) big
kou, gyou i(ku) go
ji toki time
ichi, itsu, hito(tsu) one
ki, ke This is hard to translate so I have a blog post about this here
shi ichi city
ken mi(ru) look
ken prefecture
kan aida, ma space, gap
tou higashi east
shutsu de(ru),da(su) go out, take out
hon moto book, source
chuu naka middle, center
bun, fun, bu wa(keru), wa(karu) split, to understand
sai motto(mo) most
gen, gon i(u) say


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