日月火水木金土 – The Days of the Week in Japanese

calendar showing days of the week in Japanese

The days of the week in Japanese are fun. Their names can translate to phenomena such as fire, water, wood, and gold. The days of the week also follow a simple template. They all end in 曜日ようび which can be translated as day of the week. Let’s take a look.

日曜日 – Sunday

The first day of the week is Sunday. In Japanese this is にち曜日. The 日 here means sun also. So, this is one of those weird situations where the English word and the Japanese word are exactly the same.


月曜日 – Monday

The next day and everyone’s favorite is Monday! You write Monday in Japanese as げつ曜日. Actually, just like Sunday, Monday actually means the same thing in both languages. That is 月 is the Kanji for moon and Monday originally meant moon-day.

火曜日 – Tuesday

The third day of the week is Tuesday in English and the day of fire in Japanese. Tuesday is 曜日 and 火 means fire!

水曜日 -Wednesday

If you are feeling thirsty then Wednesday has you covered. The Japanese word for Wednesday is すい曜日 and means water day!


木曜日 – Thursday

Now the fifth day of the week is もく曜日 which means wood or tree day. In English it is also known as Thursday.

金曜日 – Friday

Next is the golden day or Friday! Friday in Japanese is きん曜日 which means gold day.

土曜日 – Saturday

The last day of the week is Saturday. Saturday is 曜日 in Japanese. The 土 Kanji means earth, dirt or soil


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