ダサい – Dasai the uncool, unfashionable, and out of fashion Word

ダサい is a common slang word in Japanese that refers to anything uncool, dorky, unfashionable, and so on. Let’s take a look at when and how to use it.


How and When to use ダサい

ダサい is an い-Adjective in Japanese which tells you something is unappealing in some way. That could be that simply someone is wearing some clothes that are unfashionable or out of fashion or unsophisticated.

That person’s suit is unfashionable

ダサい refers to more than looks. If you want to say that someone’s behavior is uncool or unappealing in some way you can say ダサい also.

That person’s dance is dorky

You can even say ダサい for other things such as products, TV series, websites, or anything.

This website’s design is tacky

ダサい is a pretty easy word to get the hang of and understand


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