分かる – Understanding the Meaning of Wakaru

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The meaning of かる in Japanese is to understand. This is a common word in Japanese and pretty straightforward most of the time. Let’s take a closer look


The Difference between 分かる and Understand

In English, the word understand is a transitive verb. This basically means that it has a subject and a direct object. For example,

John understands math

Here, John is the subject and math is the direct object.

In Japanese however, 分かる is an intransitive verb. This means there is only a subject. So, we would rewrite the previous English sentence in Japanese like this:

Math is understandable for John

You can see that actually 分かる is closer to be understandable. 

How to use 分かる

The meaning of 分かる is closest to be understandable. However, it can also mean:

  • to be recognizable
  • to be able to tell
  • to be comprehensible

It depends on the exact sentence. Let’s take a look at some examples.

I can tell Taro didn’t sleep much from his facial expression

I know what you want to say

I don’t know the difference between cabbage and lettuce


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