海 – What is the Japanese Word for Ocean?

There is more than just one Japanese word for ocean. When we are talking about the ocean we are referring to the 5 biggest bodies of water that take up much of the area of the earth. Here we could say 大洋. However, when we think about the ocean we don’t always think of it like watery geographic areas. Most of the time we just think of huge bodies of water. So, when talking more generally about the ocean we could say 海. But, let me explain in more detail below.
The Different Ways to say Ocean

If you want to be specific, and refer to just the ocean by distinguishing it from all the other seas or bodies of water around the world, you can say 大洋. This is not the most common word though when talking about the ocean, that would be 海. This word though does not just mean ocean. It also means sea. So, in Japan the two biggest bodies of water surrounding the country are,
The Pacific Ocean
The Sea of Japan
In Japanese though, both of these would be called 海, even though technically they are both different types of bodies of water.
More Japanese Words for Ocean and Sea

Japanese even has more words to talk about oceans and seas. If you know the word 海 though, you can pretty much use that for any sea or ocean and be fine. But, anyway here are some more words.
Ocean or Sea
(almost another word for 海, but refers more to the oceans, adjacent seas to the land such as the Mediterranean sea. This is more of a technical definition than a colloquial one so doesn’t worry so much about the difference. )
Ocean or Sea (literally means big sea. More of a word for emphasis)
The open Sea (Refers to the expanse of the waters, literally a field of water)
So now you know all the ways to say ocean in Japanese. If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.
I also have several other posts on various topics on Japanese Universe if you are interested.