敬語 – The 3 Types of Polite Language in Japanese

In English if you want to be polite to someone, you would call them Mr. or Mrs., use please and thank you, and maybe avoid using profanity. That is about the extent it goes.
In Japanese on the other hand, using polite language incorrectly can mean also speaking ungrammatically. Japanese has 3 types of Polite Language.
① 尊敬語
② 謙譲語
③ 丁寧語
尊敬語 – Honorific Language
尊敬語, or honorific language is language usage that elevates someone else. Specifically, it elevates them by using special words or word forms which have honorific meaning to them.
You use 尊敬語 when the subject of a sentence is someone you want to show respect to. That could be a teacher, older person, boss or any other superior. If you are talking about a family member of someone you are showing respect for, you would treat them the same as that person and use 尊敬語.
謙譲語 – Humble Language
謙譲語 is humble language. This is the language you would use for your actions when speaking to someone you want to elevate. By using 謙譲語 you are elevating the listener by lowering yourself.
If you are talking about your own family or friends you would also use Humble language for their actions.
丁寧語 – Polite Language
丁寧語 is just general polite language. When you want to just show general politeness without elevating you would use 丁寧語. For example in public with strangers, or with people that are not super close to you.